House under renovations
Sleeps 10 in house
This residence, situated in a secluded and quiet part of the village, has spectacular sea and krantz views. A leisurely stroll to the lagoon and swimming beach takes 10 minutes.
Self-catering accommodation is provided for up to 10 people. The facilities include a well-equipped kitchen and laundry. There are 5 bedrooms (two en suite) and an additional full bathroom plus an extra shower and two toilets. Valuables can be stored in a wall safe and there are two lock-up garages. Two covered braais and a Weber are available. Additional attractions include mountain biking, cliff walks and fishing. Pet friendly but no enclosure.
In Season:
1 Dec – 16 Jan 2024
R2650 per night
Domestic helper: R230 per day (a requirement with booking)
Exit cleaning fee: R400
25 March – 11 April:
R1800 per night
Domestic helper: R230 per day (a requirement with booking)
Exit cleaning fee: R400
Rest of the year
1-2 people: R1200 per night
3-7 people: R1600 per night
8-10 people: R1800 per night
(infants not included in numbers)
Domestic helper: R230 per day (a requirement with booking)
Exit cleaning fee: R400